Uganda has been chosen as one of the two priority countries for the Skybird Programme. This means that additionally to their participation in the regional micro-grant cycle they can apply for as a National Society, Uganda Red Cross Branches are also allowed to submit their own project proposals.
Through expert reviews the projects were ranked and selected according to their relevance, feasibility, their alignment with national and international strategies, their innovative strength, the sustainability of the proposed project as well as the linkages with possible partners and potential future donors.
The selection process is now over and the Branches and National Society now got one year to implement their proposals. We are proud to present you with the chosen micro-projects below:
Iganga Branch office
Iganga Branch, Namutumba District: Green energy alternatives to mitigate climate change and social safety nets enhancement in Magada and Bulange sub Counties
Climate Change and Green Energy and Gender, Diversity and Inclusion
Uganda Red Cross Society’s Iganga Branch wants to tackle climate change and environmental degradation on the household and community level through this project. Through trainings in briquette-making and the production of energy efficient cooking stoves as well as the distribution of improved seedlings, households will be able to enhance their social and economic security nets. As the briquettes shall be made from locally available material, their use will reduce pressure on the surrounding environment where women usually collect their fire wood. Additionally, the formation of 4 farmer field schools and environmental protection groups helps in guaranteeing the long-term sustainability of this project.
Kampala South Branch: Improving standards of living of people in Makindye East A through “waste – prenuership”
Urban WASH; Gender, Diversity and Inclusion; Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA)
Makindye East A hosts the biggest number of informal settlements in Kampala. The majority of people living there are poor slum dwellers who lack access to safe sanitation and hygiene facilities which leads to them being exposed to illnesses like HIV/AIDS and Cholera. A needs assessment showed that there is an inadequate number of latrines (325 toilets for 409.500 inhabitants), the area’s drainage channels and waste disposal are unsafe and about 30 % of the population practices open defecation due to a lack of access to latrines.
The proposed interventions include the establishment of a motorcycle gulper business which should be run by selected women after they get the necessary trainings. The motorcycle gulper is seen as significantly cheaper to other options while it also guarantees access into densly populated areas which common trucks or cesspool emptiers cannot reach.
Next to the 45 women aged between 20-45 who will receive trainings for waste-preneurship and start the business, volunteers will receive PHAST/PHASE trainings. Additionally, 10.000 people from the target communities will indirectly benefit from the project through improved sanitation and community sanitation sensitization.
Inception workshop hosted by URCS Kampala South Branch
Lira Branch office
Lira Branch: Food security, nutrition and livelihood project
Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihoods; Gender, Diversity and Inclusion; Digitalization
Out of 192 households, 100 reported malnutrition and stunted growth among children under the age of 5 in Agweng and Aromo sub-counties. A further needs assessment also showed that food insecurity significantly contributes to gender-based violence. Climate change and changing weather patterns as well as the use of rudimentary farming techniques further contribute to food insecurity and malnutrition.
The project aims at increasing family cohesion as well as a diversification of income streams through increased food production. Further, successful implementation of this project will lead to increased food production at household levels which is manifested in increased yield per acreage which will be delivered through the following activities, among others:
- Community mobilization and sensitization on food security
- Workshops and hands on trainings on family farming and the formation of Family Farm`s Groups (FFGs) as well as a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA)
- Creating videos with success stories and publishing further advocacy material like calendars and flyers
Moroto Branch: Bokora WASH CEA Project
Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA); Gender, Diversity and Inclusion
As latrine coverage is only at 35 % in Karamoja region and the population is frequently affected by related disease outbreaks, many WASH projects have been implemented in this region already. Yet, Uganda Red Cross Society found in an assessment that knowledge about safe sanitation and hygiene practices remains very low among communities.
This project wants to build on knowledge as to why previous interventions failed and improve activities by specifically including community leaders and enhance accountability through community engagement. It is estimated that 12.000 people will directly benefit from those interventions while 35.000 will indirectly benefit from them.
A primary focus will therefore be on the engagement and advocacy with community leaders, the formation of sanitation committees, community sensitization, and the review and contextualization of available Hygiene Promotion material. Additionally, the project will also focus on the procurement of hand washing facilities and sanitation tool kits, demonstrations on how to build tippy taps, home improvement campaigns and the creation of IEC material.
URCS and AutRC staff meet with Moroto Branch team for the inception workshop
Ntungamo Branch office building
Ntungamo Branch: Strengthening the fight against domestic violence in Ntungamo district
Gender, Diversity and Inclusion; Digitalization; Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA)
Ntungamo district ranked 4th in a national crime rate assessment with most crimes being related to domestic and gender-based violence. Gender-based violence is seen as a root cause for several other issues communities face in the district. Among others, it is understood that poverty and economic instability accelerate domestic and gender-based violence.
Therefore, this project wants to trial a user centered approach to strengthen livelihood coping mechanisms and reduce vulnerabilities. This includes trainings for backyard gardening, fruit growing and poultry farming. This specifically targets men in order to create positive role models against GBV. Nine VSLAs will be established and the members will receive trainings in business management and monitoring.
Additionally, a range of activities, such as radio shows, mobile cinemas and community dialogue campaigns, will help raise awareness about gender-based violence. Local leaders and key stakeholders are specifically targeted for dialogue to further ensure existing protection laws are enforced. Selected community volunteers shall receive training to provide psychosoical support for victims of domestic and/or gender-based violence.
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