Dear Skybirds, this is only a short update with an important announcement and a friendly request from our WASH department.
Your usual Skybird WASH Network Newsletter will be sent again from end of February onwards.
Inspiration Session: Social Enterprise in WASH
In our projectes we often have components which are intended to be financially sustainable at some point. This includes for example public latrines with small shops, one-stop-shops, waste management facilities or income generating activities conducted by cooperatives / beneficiaries.
Yet, we notice that making the leap from a donor funded project to a financially sustainable and independent social enterprise is what we often struggle with.
Therefore, we invite you to this inspiration session as an introduction to social entperise in WASH, exploring risks, opportunities, strategies, case studies and practical examples together with our speakers.
A message from our WASH Department:
Dear partner of the Austrian RC WASH team, whether you are part of Austrian Red Cross, the wider Red Cross / Red Crescent movement, other WASH actor, government, donor, academia, private sector, etc.
In order to monitor our efforts to drive the quality of RC WASH programming, we would like to get some feedback from you about our work.
We do this by collecting concrete stories about how Austrian RC did (or did not) contribute to improved WASH. We started this effort last year and we decided to repeat this exercise annually. So, in case you have any story from 2021, which shows the contribution (or the non-contribution) of Austrian RC to improved WASH, we kindly ask you to take 15 minutes max. to enter this story and enrich it with some quantitative data here: https://ee.humanitarianresponse.info/x/ixx6b0df
Thank you for your stories and time!