Embracing the complexity - the Skybird roll-out in Uganda
My name is Jennifer Akumu. I am the Program Officer supporting Austrian Red Cross funded Skybird projects in Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS). I have been overseeing the implementation of the Skybird projects in the 6 Branches of Ntungamo, Kampala South, Iganga, Lira, Moroto and the regional WASH project in Gulu since October 2019. I first learned about the Skybird …
AutRC WASH Theory of Change
2 years ago we started a dialogue with some of our key partners to make the Austrian RC WASH team more future-fit, considering the changes in the WASH sector and beyond. Now we are proud and happy to share a one-page summary based on 4 narrative change stories. You can also take a look at the more detailed document or our presentation. We see those documents as a work in progress to be adapted as we go forward. To track our own progress and capture feedback, we invite you to fill in this survey (< 10 min.). Thank you all very much for the support.
While the conditions were harsh and the administrative and bureaucratic burdens were excessive at times, AutRC ERU WASH delegates are sharing stories of successful CEA, cross-cultural cooperation and extremely motivated volunteers. We collected 3 stories from Kara Tepe and 1 story from Honduras for you to read.
Florian Haas (AutRC) invited Ewinur Machdar (IFRC CCST) for the next interview. Ewinur just took on the role as operations coordinator for the COVID-19 response in Indonesia and Timor Leste. Ewinur chose to talk about WASH and coordination in emergencies and how the issue of coordination first had to grow on her with time. Watch the whole interview here.
Due to the current lockdown in Vienna and ongoing restrictions, the WTDiE training had to be postponed. New date: May 28-30.
Apply now for the international course “Water Harvesting for Soil and Water Conservation” at the Universtiy of Florence. Some free spaces are reserved, particularly for participants from countries where the issue of water scarcity and access to water is a limiting factor for development. Deadline for enrollment is May 3rd.
- Webinar: Towards more sustainable and efficient Solar Powered Water Systems, discussing solar powered water systems in the humanitarian context on May 6.
- Funding Opportunity: the Canada Foundation for Local Initiatives currently lists open calls for many countries Canada has a presence in. Take a look and stay posted as they frequently post new calls for various countries.
- Final reminder for the call for abstract submissions on sanitation workers for the 2021 UNC Water and Health Conference. Deadline: May 3rd.
- The knowledge portal for Emergency WASH is now online. As a collaborative effort it was established by Global WASH Cluster partners, the German WASH Network, Eawag, FHNW and SuSanA. Users are encouraged to provide feedback for quality assurance.
Save the Children is recruiting a WASH Manager at any existing Save the Children office location.
Meet the Branch: South Omo Zone Branch
South Omo Zone Branch is one of the 4 Branches who were awarded a grant for the implementation of the micro-project developed by them. This article provides a short overview over the background of South Omo Zone as well as the history of the Branch and their experience in implementing WASH projects. >>> Read more
A comic for the road
Water in bottles = bottles in water.