My name is Alice Akello, I am a social worker by profession (post-graduate diploma in project planning and project management) with a background in child development and child advocacy. I have been implementing WASH/food security programs since 2013 with Family health international(FHI360) in Kole district. I joined URCS in 2018 as a branch manager for URCS Lira branch overseeing the implementation of URCS core programs in the five districts of Lira, Dokolo, Alebtong, Otuke and Amolatar all under Lira branch.
Currently am still the branch manager for URCS Lira branch overseeing Skybird implementation in the two sub counties of Agweng and Aromo both in Lira districts coupled with URCS core activities of membership recruitment, first aid services and blood donor recruitment among others.
My best moment was during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2021 at the branch premise where one of the beneficiaries made a successful remark of how the Skybird micro project had improved his livelihood through modern farming and he testified that with his limited knowledge in agronomy he used to get 2 bags of soya beans from his garden but after the training he attended supported by the Skybird micro project conducted by URCS Lira branch, he managed to get 50 bags of soya beans last season and he finally encouraged all members to take the program personally in order to improve their house hold food production and standard of living.
My experience is that, when you set a demonstration learning site for any technology you want to pilot like Family farming, it takes total commitment and the zeal of the implementing communities to always learn, adopt and replicate the practice willingly at household level. This was witnessed by the overwhelming harvest from our vegetable garden that fed the volunteers at the branch and also generated some income from the sale of watermelon, Cabbages, Tomatoes, Okra, Beans, Eggplant and Sukumawiki among others for improved standard of living.