Written by Esther Kabugho and Immaculate Ajok
Kampala South Uganda Red Cross Society through the Skybird project participated in the SINA (Social Innovation Academy) Bootcamp. The program is held in three semesters; the first boot camp was on 31st October – 4th November 2022, the second boot camp was held from the 30th of January – 3rd – February 2023 and the last one will be in April 2023. Our participants attended both camps and are looking forward to the last one. The other participants were from external enterprises (six African countries) and enterprises from the Uganda Red Cross Society.
The SINA Acceleration Boot camp is a 5-day training and mentoring program where individuals / teams go through a training process with the objective of mentoring start up entrepreneurs to discover their purpose, unleash their potentials and create social enterprises with positive impact on the environment and the Society. The event took place at Jangu International Community Mpigi district, Uganda. Diversity was one of the most highlighted benefits, apart from understanding and evolving emerging social business models and creating financial plans and pitch decks.
We went through intensive learning, networking and assignment, changing our mindset from nonprofit to profit through the SINA Accelerators / mentors who took us through a business building process to develop social businesses. Through the training session were able to learn how to write a business and financial plan.
With the guidance of our mentors we were able to come up with a suitable presentation that led us to win the 100$ grant.
We thank the Skybird program for giving us this opportunity to learn and discover our potential. Below are pictures taken during the event. You can read more about the event here https://socialinnovationacademy.org/sina-acceleration-bootcamp-with-participation-from-seven-african-countries/