Ethiopian Red Cross Society
Location: Sidama Regional State, Boricha District, Yirba 01 kebele
Project Title: Economic Empowerment of Women with Skills around WASH facilities, Food Security and Manufacturing (EEWSWFM)
Summary: The project area is faced with severe water scarcity with a 300 m3 reservoir which is recharged once a week as the only available source for water. With regards to sanitation, only around 15 % of the population have access to improved latrines and the lack of access to sanitation products only exacerbates the situation. Therefore, the project wants to establish a public latrine and shower area with an adjacent one-stop shop for affordable sanitation products which may partly also be produced at the site. The population also faces a threat from food security which is why the project will also promote vertical farming at the site for the visitors to learn about this farming technique.