South Sudan Red Cross
Location: Aweil
Project Title: Sanitation Improvement in Flood-Prone Communities
Summary: In South Sudan, around 77 % of the population don’t have access to basic sanitation. This is attributed to the fact that many don’t understand the importance of having a latrine while at the same time there is a lack of resources. The project particularly targets a flood-prone area where latrines collapse frequently. The intervention focuses on introducing new latrine designs which are more durable and able to withstand the floods. Local artisans and technicians will be trained on the construction of those latrines. The artisans together with the SSRC Branch will implement sanitation marketing activites to ensure access to materials. The sanitation marketing approach is accompanied by a willingness to pay study to establish prices for the products and labour while also applying the smart-subsidy CLTS approach recommended by the government of South Sudan.